
Showing posts from 2016

New site and a few updates...

Welp... my old blog appears to have been deleted when the website went kaput. So I am starting over! I have several journal entries I have been meaning to post recently and will get those typed out and posted over the next few weeks.  I will also try to find copies of my old posts to put here so the new readers can catch up and old readers can refresh! First- just a few updates on my vocation journey... If you are just joining us for the first time- hopefIully I can get you caught up soon, but basically I am a 31 year old woman discerning her call from God. I believe the Lord is calling me to be a religious sister and bride of Christ. I have been visiting communities and trying to decide what community God is calling me to be a part of.  Throughout this journey I have met some wonderful women, some of them already sisters and some on their journey. Now for the new news- I seemed to be closing my eyes to the grace God put right in front of me. I squeezed them shut and ref