
Showing posts from September, 2017

Hurricane Harvey - it is a long one!

Well folks, it’s been a while. Much has changed and much has stayed the same. I have been writing, but keeping it private and using this space as mostly a private journal. However, over the past week or so, so much has happened I feel I need to share and publicly put my thoughts out there .  Unless you live under a rock, you know that a category 4 hurricane, affectionately called Harvey, tore into the Coastal Bend of Texas and continued to devastate the Gulf Coast for several days. As I watched the events unfold on television, I began to have flashbacks and fears that arose during Ike in 2008 and in Rita in 2005. Both times (now all 3 times), family and friends lost so much and I just saw the similarities. As the days dragged on, the stories of rescues and heroics were shown on TV from all over the region. I am sure you have seen them. What got to me though, was the pleas for help on social media. “My family is on our roof, Please someone save us.” And amazingly, people did. M