Hurricane Harvey - it is a long one!

Well folks, it’s been a while. Much has changed and much has stayed the same. I have been writing, but keeping it private and using this space as mostly a private journal. However, over the past week or so, so much has happened I feel I need to share and publicly put my thoughts out there

Unless you live under a rock, you know that a category 4 hurricane, affectionately called Harvey, tore into the Coastal Bend of Texas and continued to devastate the Gulf Coast for several days. As I watched the events unfold on television, I began to have flashbacks and fears that arose during Ike in 2008 and in Rita in 2005. Both times (now all 3 times), family and friends lost so much and I just saw the similarities.

As the days dragged on, the stories of rescues and heroics were shown on TV from all over the region. I am sure you have seen them. What got to me though, was the pleas for help on social media. “My family is on our roof, Please someone save us.” And amazingly, people did. My heart was filled and I was so overwhelmed with the amount of love the people of Houston provided each other.

Like many of you, I began to go into information overload. I just wanted the rain to stop so I could go out and start helping people. I think my friend Susan said it best, “I just want it to stop. The sound of rain is no longer relaxing like it once was.”

While many friends and family have lost so much during previous storms, I have always been lucky. My home in Spring and in Galveston were spared both times, while TAMUG took damage I was still able to live and work in Galveston after Ike. Though my family lost homes during Rita and Katrina, I was fine, only missing a few days of school. Harvey was different. Harvey was different in many ways. Don’t believe me? Just look at the path he took across Texas. Look at the speed he moved. He arrived and just would not leave.

While my family home and the convent were both dry and fine, my Church home was not. Many of you may have seen the viral video of Fr. Norbert on FB live showing us the devastation or maybe you saw the video of him on EWTN.  If not- trust me it was bad. (Here is the link to the EWTN Video if you missed it: This is my home. This is the place I spent every night I wasn’t at a swim meet my Jr. and Sr. year in high school. It is where I have seen friends get married, baptize their children, and where I have seen loved ones go to their eternal rest. This was the place that allowed and fostered my vocation. It is the community that sent me to the CCVI with prayers and blessings.

Yesterday I went to the campus and saw a true “People for Others.” The buildings were filled with volunteers and employees. When the buildings filled, people were being sent to clean out parishioners’ homes. Things were moving and shaking. In 1 day we had the campus ready for the contractors and guys- this is a big place. All were preparing for the big event this morning. Our first Holy Sacrifice of the Mass since Harvey.

Mass this morning looked a little different. It was outside and BYOC (Bring your own chair) but it was packed all the same. Fr. Norbert reminded us that God is with us. If you hear people say that Harvey was God smiting us with another great flood, remember God’s promise to Noah. He will never again destroy the Earth with a great flood. Texas- this is not God’s Smite. This is the way the Earth cools down. I can say the biggest truth to this was all the Rainbows around town when the rain finally did stop. This was the same sign of the covenant between God and Noah, and serves as a reminder to us that God Is With Us.

As people came up for communion, I could not stop the tears. There were literally 100s of people. We filled the parking lot. In a place that was, just days ago, under water, we thanked God for all he has given us and reassured our families we are all there for each other.

But guys- Survivors Guilt is real and I think we need to own that. While in prayer yesterday, I realized that part of the reason I wanted to help was selfish. I needed to feel better and helping others was a way to do that. I’m not saying helping the people I did was bad, just that I need to be conscience of the reasons why. A family friend and fellow parishioner said this morning, “I just want to go out and help. Get my hands dirty.” Physically he cannot go out and help. Many of you are far away and feel helpless. But here is how you can help- PRAY! I don’t care if you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or something else. Pray. God is listening. People need prayers to help strengthen them right now.

If you still feel the need to help beyond prayer, consider one of these organizations. If these don’t fit your need- please remember to check the validity of the organization and make sure your money will go to help the people.

To help rebuild St. Ignatius ( consider giving to Catholic HEART Work Camp’s fund for St. Ignatius. Many of you know my vocation story and how attending CHWC helped to light the fire it my heart for my Beloved and helped to forge the path that would eventually lead me to the CCVI.

To help my students, Faculty and Staff at KIPP Houston ( consider giving to the emergency relief fund they have set up. Many of my students and fellow teachers were greatly impacted by the storm and this will help to relieve some of the stress.

To help Texas A&M University at Galveston Sea Aggies (, consider donating through the foundation and helping the Aggie Family get through this major disaster. Many of the faculty, staff and students live in the Dickinson area of Galveston County, which you may have seen on the news was really hard hit with flooding.

None of these strike your fancy? How about the environment? Galveston Bay Foundation ( set up a fund to help with the aftermath impacts on Galveston Bay.

If you are feeling restless or need someone to talk to- I am here. We are in this together. If you sustained any damage- dont be afraid to reach out for help. I will help you find someone in your area to assist or I will come my self and help you. You can message or call me.  Till next time- You are all in my prayers.

Here are some pictures from Mass this morning and from around town this week.
Mom and I at Mass on Sunday before Harvey hit Houston

Dad in his ironic but true shirt

Mom and I refusing to let my birthday be sad

The SUN came out! Dad the pups and I went for a walk once Harvey FINALLY left 

Wednesday I got restless so Alex, Cleo and I loaded up and drove around to see the state of Spring. 

Yesterday Morning at the Church campus, I was the Gate Guard for a while. It was fun! 

The following are from Mass this morning. Some were taken by my mom and some by my friends Kristan and Vanessa. I was to emotional to think about pictures.

God bless!



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