
Showing posts from January, 2018

Can anything Good come from Nazareth?

Today's readings have some pretty strong words and Father talked about our prejudices can hinder us. This struck me quite strongly so here is a bit of what he said along with some of my words of continued reflection.  The first reading today was from the 1st letter of John and had this killer line... "Those who hate his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining." (1 Jn 15). This was followed by the Gospel from St. John with another tough one to hear, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" (Jn 1:46). It may be good to back up and explain what is going on around that 2nd one. If you are unfamiliar with this line- as I was till reflecting on the Gospel reading this morning, Jesus had just called Philip. Philip then turned and tried to recruit Nathanael. Well Nathanael, along with many other people felt that Nazareth was too small and too insignificant (backwoods or boondocks if you will) for the savior of the world to come