Can anything Good come from Nazareth?

Today's readings have some pretty strong words and Father talked about our prejudices can hinder us. This struck me quite strongly so here is a bit of what he said along with some of my words of continued reflection. 

The first reading today was from the 1st letter of John and had this killer line... "Those who hate his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining." (1 Jn 15). This was followed by the Gospel from St. John with another tough one to hear, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" (Jn 1:46).

It may be good to back up and explain what is going on around that 2nd one. If you are unfamiliar with this line- as I was till reflecting on the Gospel reading this morning, Jesus had just called Philip. Philip then turned and tried to recruit Nathanael. Well Nathanael, along with many other people felt that Nazareth was too small and too insignificant (backwoods or boondocks if you will) for the savior of the world to come from.

How many times have we looked and judged someone by what they look like or where they come from? How many times has this hindered us from doing what is right? From standing up for those that need it most?  Remember that line from the first reading about hating your brother? What a person looks like, where they are from, how they talk, or how they worship does not change that they are our brother or sister in this world and we MUST show them compassion or we are as bad as murderers. Maybe this is something you already do. Maybe you show the compassion and love for our marginalized brethren, but do you stop others from making the judgments? Do you stand up for others then? We need to be like Philip and continue to encourage Nathanael to come and see.

Philip and Nathanael being called to follow Jesus
This homily along with the readings reminded me of the situation with the refugees hoping to come to the US. We are so quick to judge because these people are not like us. They do not worship the same way and they look different and have different customs. Can anything good come from there? But I challenge you, to come and see. Let the one who gives eternal life guide you. For if we truly call ourselves Christian, we must love and serve our brothers. Through this love we can instill our light in them. This is the best way to Evangelize- not through hate and mean gestures, but through love and care. Show others that our God is a God of Love and Mercy not one of hate.

Tomorrow marks 2 years since I got on a plane and traveled to Nashville to attend a vocation retreat with the Dominican sisters of St. Cecilia. This trip would mark the start of a journey that would take me to several congregations and allow me to meet and interact with many wonderful woman all over the country and eventually lead me to a quiet place in my own back yard. In some ways that plane ride seems so long ago. I have grown so much in my faith and gotten to know the Lord so much better in this time. In other ways it seems like it was only yesterday. I thank God every day that he led me here and for the way he did it so amazingly and beautiful. As I enter my 3rd year of being seriously open to saying yes, I must continue to be ready to respond when told to come and see. I must not close off my heart. I must not respond with "can anything good come from Nazareth?" but instead respond as Nathanael does at the end of the Gospel, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel" (Jn 1: 49). This is the Faith we must all have. I am excited for the future the year will bring with finishing my 2nd year teaching and entering as a Postulant  in August, but I am also thankful for the past and all the experiences I have gained along the way.


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